Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Whenever I asks any guy what is the one thing that they find attractive about a woman....always seem to say the same thing, THEIR SMILE! (what did you think I was talking about, lol)

So here it is ladies (& gentlemen) before you worry about what foundation to use or ask what brand "so & so" uses to look flawless... start with the basics.

A bright smile is always key.

Whether you go with the whitening toothpaste, strips or mouthwashes, go to the dentist and get the UV Whitening or go the more organic natural way and use strawberries (YES, Strawberries!) by rubbing them on your teeth....
a brighter smile will give the confidence to pull off any make-up look!

My Personal Favorites are the Crest 3D White Vivid products :)

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